Four gas detector: This is the most popular detector, come with 4 gases are: LEL (or called Ex / Combustible / Flammable), O2, CO and H2S. Application is detect risk of gas in confined spaces
BW GasAlertMicroClip XL Low cost gas detector, PN: MCXL-XWHM-Y-UK,17,875,000₫
BW Honeywell MCX3-XWHM-Y-UK four gases detector, UK version20,212,500₫
BW Honeywell XT-XWHM-Y-UK GasAlertMax XT II, Explosion proof gas detector23,331,000₫
Honeywell GasAlert MicroClip X3 MCX3-XWHM-Y-NA four gas detector20,212,500₫
BW Honeywell GasAlert MicroClip X3, MCX3-XWHM-Y-OE, CO/H2S/O2/LEL20,212,500₫
BW GasAlertMax XT II, XT-XWHM-Y-OE, CO/H2S/O2/LEL gas detector23,331,000₫
ISC Ventis MX4, VTS-K1232111111, LEL O2 CO H2S with pump gas detector29,442,000₫
ISC Ventis MX4, VTS-K1231100111 Diffusion four gas detector20,396,250₫
ISC Ventis MX4, VTS-K1232110111, LEL O2 CO H2S gas detector30,492,000₫
BW Honeywell GasAlert MicroClip XL, MCXL-XWHM-Y-OE, CO; H2S; O2; LEL17,062,500₫
MSA Altair 4XR 10178573, Multi-gas detector Comb/Ex/LEL O2 CO H2S20,212,500₫
BW Honeywell GasAlert Max XT II XT-XWHM-Y-NA gas monitor23,331,000₫
VOCs gas detector, detect “Volatile Organic Compounds – VOCs”. They use PID sensor for detect hundreds kind of VOCs. PID sensor use PID lamp come with popular type: 9.8eV, 10.6eV and 11.7eV. Application in electronic and lather shoe factory.
VOC gas detector Honeywell RAE MiniRAE 3000 (PGM-7320) 059-B110-000117,653,800₫
VOCs gas monitor RAE ppbRAE 3000 PGM-7340, PN 059-C110-000177,526,650₫
VOC gas monitor RAE ToxiRAE Pro PID PGM-1800, G02-A010-00042,512,400₫
Honeywell BW Ultra, HU-X1W10000Q1-Y-Y, VOCs, LEL, O2 gas detector64,149,750₫
Honeywell BW Ultra, HU-00000000Q1-Y-Y, VOCs gas monitor55,721,400₫
Honeywell RAE ppbRAE 3000 PGM-7340, 059-C116-000, VOC gas monitor185,980,300₫
Honeywell RAE ppbRAE 3000 PGM-7340, 059-C116-200; VOC gas detector189,341,250₫
RAE MultiRAE Lite, MAB3-A2C112E-020 gas detector O2; LEL; CO; H2S; 10.6ev PID pump62,889,750₫
RAE MultiRAE Lite, MAA3-A2C112E-020 VOC; LEL; H2S; O2; CO pump gas detector67,362,750₫
RAE MultiRAE, MBA3-A10000Q-020 VOC/HCHO gas detector109,335,450₫
MiniRAE 3000 PGM-7320, 059-B116-000, VOC gas detector112,305,900₫
MiniRAE 3000 PGM-7320, 059-B116-200, VOCs gas detector124,120,500₫
“ANH VU Gas detection” supply Portable and Fixed gas detector from brands: MSA, BW Honeywell, RAE systems, Crowcon for detect: O2; CO; CO2; H2S; CH4; HCl; NO; NO2; NOx; NH3; HF; H2; SO2; Cl2; ClO2;
MSA Altair 5X 10116925 Multi-gas detector for LEL/O2/SO2/CO/H2S52,867,500₫
Five gases detector MSA Altair 5X, for detect LEL/O2/CO/H2S/NH355,477,800₫
5 gases detector CO2; LEL; H2S; CO; O2 pump, MultiRAE Lite, MAA3-B8C112E-02097,005,300₫
RAE USA gas monitor CO2; NO; CO; H2S; NO2; NH3, MultiRAE Lite, MAA6-B804R58-02097,902,000₫
RAE gas monitor CO2; CO; H2S; O2; NH3, MultiRAE Lite, MAA6-B808RE0-02089,188,050₫
Multi-gas detector CO2; NH3; H2S; CO; O2 pump, MultiRAE Lite, MAA3-B808RE0-02092,292,900₫
Multi-gas detector CO2; LEL; CO; H2S; NH3; O2, RAE MultiRAE Lite, MAA6-B8C1R8E-02093,132,900₫
RAE gas monitor CO2; LEL; H2S; CO; O2; NH3 pump; MultiRAE Lite, MAA3-B8C1R8E-02096,173,700₫