MiniRAE 3000

Honeywell RAE systems MiniRAE 3000 +, The most advanced wireless handheld VOC monitor with parts per million measurement

Whether for industrial hygiene, leak detection, or HazMat response, the RAE MiniRAE 3000 + delivers one of the most advanced VOC monitoring capabilities on the market. With a photoionization detector (PID) that has an extended detection range from 0-15,000 ppm, a rapid three-second response time, built-in correction factors for more than 200 compounds, patented auto-cleaning sensor technology and Reflex PID Technology™, the RAE MiniRAE 3000 + can measure one of the highest levels of ionizable chemicals available on the market.

MiniRAE 3000 + is solution oriented through multiple connected options. A dedicated mobile APP has been developed for Remediation engineers and Industrial Hygienists. Instrument is also available with real time connectivity which can relay readings and alarm status up to 2 miles to a RAELink 3 wireless transmitter.

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