Chai khí chuẩn Calgaz 8AL, 500ppm SO2/ N2, C012080


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Chai khí chuẩn Calgaz 8AL, 500ppm SO2/ N2, C012080 (58L khí)

  • Hãng: Calgaz
  • Thành phần khí:  Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen balance
  • Model chai khí: 8AL
  • Chứa 58L khí
  • Kiểu vỏ chai: Non-Refillable
  • Áp suất: 35 bar (500 psi)
  • Vật liệu vỏ chai: Nhôm
  • Loại van phù hợp: Model 715, DFR 2000 Series, 4200 Series “Trigger”
  • Mã đặt hàng (PN): C012080

Ứng dụng: Bump test và hiệu chuẩn máy đo khí, đầu đo khí cố định.

Bảng so sánh các loại bình khí khác với mã: C012080

Model  Liters Dimensions Mixtures Pressure
1AL 11 11.2″ x 2.9″ / 285 mm x 74 mm Limited 145 psig/10 bar*
2AL 34 11.375″ x 3″ / 289 mm x 76 mm Reactive, Non-Reactive 500 psig/35 bar
7HP 34 11″ x 3″ / 279 mm x 76 mm Non-Reactive 494 psig/34 bar
6DM 58 3.26″ x 8.09″ / 83 mm x 204 mm Non-Reactive 1000 psig/69 bar
8AL 58 14.25″ x 3.5″ / 362 mm x 89 mm Reactive, Non-Reactive 500 psig/35 bar
6D 103 13.875″ x 3.25″ / 352 mm x 83 mm Non-Reactive 1000 psig/69 bar
10AL 116 15″ x 3.5″ / 381 mm x 89 mm Reactive, Non-Reactive 1000 psig/70 bar
5ELR 625 28.9″ x 4.4″ / 734 mm x 111 mm Non-Reactive 2016 psig/139 bar
65ALR 850 20.25″ x 6.9″ / 514 mm x 175 mm Reactive, Non-Reactive 2216 psig/153 bar

Thông số khí chuẩn và thời hạn sử dụng

GAS MIXTURE SIZE Recommened Shelf Life
LEL Mixtures All Cylinders (excluding 1AL and 12DA) 60 Months
Other Non-Reactive Gas Mixtures All Cylinders (excluding 1AL and 12DA) 60 Months
Hydrogen Sulfide 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 24 Months
Hydrogen Sulfide at 1ppm /Nitrogen 10AL and 112DA 6 Months
Sulfur Dioxide 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 24 Months
Ammoniac 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 18 Months
Chlorine / Nitrogen 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 9 Months
Hydrogen Chloride / Nitrogen 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 12 Months
Ethylene Oxide 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 12 Months
Hydrogen Cyanide 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 18 Months
Nitric Oxide / Nitrogen 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 18 Months
Nitrogen Dioxide 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 7 Months
Phosphine / Nitrogen 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 18 Months
Silane / Nitrogen 2AL, 2ALR, 8AL, 10AL, 112DA, 10ALR, 65AL and 65ALR 12 Months
Ethanol 2AL, 8AL, 10AL, 6D and, 5E 36 Months
Benzene / Air 2AL, 8AL, 10AL, 6D, 65ALR and 5ELR 24 Months
Reactive Gas Mixtures 1AL 3 Months
Reactive Gas Mixtures ( H2S, SO2) 12DA 3 Months
Non Reactive Gas Mixtures 1AL 12 Months
Non Reactive Gas Mixtures 12DA 36 Months